Product: The product being
advertised is the new speaker introduced by Bose, the SoundDock Series II.
Time Period: The speaker was
first introduced to the audio market along with this advertisement in September
Purpose: The ad is trying to persuade the audience by stating that
there is no other sound system of this size that can match the quality of this
Target Audience:
The main targets to
this ad are audiophiles and people who travel constantly. Audiophiles would
like to hear and test if the sound is truly what Bose is implying in the ad,
and travelers would enjoy taking their music in a portable yet high quality
The advertisement
assumes that people appreciate their music just enough that they are looking to
find the best sound products in the market.
There are no gender
assumptions since both men and women can enjoy music on the go in high quality.
Race is excluded
from the ad to allow for a broader range of people that might be interested in
the product.
Social class is not
introduced in the ad because they want to make it seem as if anyone can buy and
enjoy the product, no matter what the actual price might be.
Type of Claim:
Weasel words are being used because the ad states that Bose
“doesn’t think” the costumer will
find a better combination of size and performance. The transfer claim is used
since purchasing the products will allow the user to enjoy their own music at
the highest quality. We are different and unique is also used because Bose
states that there are no other speakers that can match its quality.
Persuasive Appeals:
Pathos is mostly seen in the large paragraph where the
product is described in detail saying that the SoundDock will allow you to
listen to music in a way you will enjoy, in a manner you have never heard
before. Logos is not used in the ad since there aren’t any statistics. At last,
Ethos is used in the phrase “Bose musical performance is the result of our
commitment to research and exclusive Bose technology.” This guarantees us that
there is research done behind the product to achieve the best quality.
consequences could be that people begin buying their products right away. Also,
Bose’s competition can begin manufacturing similar products right after they
notice this advertisement. As for long-term, this advertisement will be
replaced by a newer and even better speaker.
The advertisement
sends an unrealistic expectation because there are so many audio companies out
there that one will be better than the Bose speaker advertised here; not all
people will fall in love with the way this speaker sounds.
When it comes to
social change, the ad is not provoking any profound consequences in society
since the biggest effect it can have is for a large multitude of people to buy
the product. Since the main goal would be to monopolize the audio
market, the advertisement would most likely attempt to encourage social change
so people only look to buy their product.
The advertisement
lacks any form of stereotype that could be considered responsible for any
drastic social changes. Therefore, it is not socially responsible to any
profound consequences to society.